MineAR is a GIS software company. Our mobile app is a new and portable GIS software that is used for 3D geological mapping.​

MineAR enriches the world around you, letting you visualize your data in real space.  Expect it to:

  • Provide you more insights in the field​
  • Offer more accurate exploration targeting
  • Support more discovery and success.

Absolutely.​  MineAR is an inexpensive 3D modelling tool that can work with any of your data.

MineAR is compatible with software commonly used in the industry and GIS data types in use by ESRI, QGIS, Manifold GIS, Minesite, Vulcan, Leapfrog, and MapInfo. Import these common datatypes into MineAR: KML, CSV, SHP, and GEOJSON.

View our How It Works page for simple instructions on using our mobile app.

GIS or Geographic Information System is an way to dispaly maps and data that is referenced to the earth, or has an x and y and maybe an elevation coordinate and its attribute values are stored in a table. 

Mine AR is a GIS software that uses augmented reality to show you the real space surrounding you that is enhanced with your datasets so you can interact with your environment. Augmented reality helps you view a model of a mine, building, or drill results in their real position relative to yours. 

The AR in our name stands for augmented reality. Augmented reality is technology that allows you to see the real space surrounding you enhanced by supplementary information. 

Virtual reality creates a space that does not surround you or is not in sync with your surroundings. Virtual reality means viewing a model of a mine, building, or drill results as if you were standing elsewhere.

MineAR’s augmented reality allows you to interact with your data since your real-world environment will be enhanced with your GIS data while you are in the field. 

When using our GIS app, MineAR differentiates between augmented and virtual realities by keeping you centered in the app. When in augmented reality, you will be positioned in the center of your data. However, when you zoom or select data that is not in your current surroundings, MineAR will no longer be centered on you.

The elevation models used are ⅓ arc-second DEM derived from the USGS within the United States and 1 arc second worldwide.

Our digital elevation accuracy is approximately +/- 1 meter. We have one or more points spaced nearly every 10 meters.

Yes, it can.
​However, please keep in mind that MineAR requires a clear GPS signal for initial data uploading and viewing. If that GPS signal is obscured or blocked, the accuracy of your phone’s location may be indeterminable and may affect the ability of the MineAR app to properly determine and display your location. Once your data is accurately loaded onto MineAR and viewed once, you can view your data from anywhere, even offline.

The NearMe service shows the roads, rivers, points of interest, and elevation models in augmented reality of your location. This service is particularly helpful in the discovery of new mining or drilling locations so you can compare the topography and the terrain.

To upload and view new data, you need wifi.

However, you do not need wifi or cell signal to use MineAR or view your data offline once you’ve already viewed it with an internet connection.

All elevation, roads, rivers, and points of interest data that you view within the app require an internet connection to view the first time

To get the best functionality from our app, we recommend downloading from an iPhone 7 or newer, an Android 8 or newer, and iPads or tablets supporting the above operating systems.
MineAR is compatible with software commonly used in the industry and GIS data types in use by ESRI, QGIS, Manifold GIS, Minesite, Vulcan, Leapfrog, and MapInfo.

Our GIS app is available on both Android and iOS app stores.

We offer a free trial of the app with limited features. For full feature access, Premium Memberships are $49.99/year. Premium features include the ability to stylize data by numeric attributes and import features for CSV or GeoJSON documents. Please view our detailed pricing information here. (link to pricing section above)

Current functionality

Basic Version- iOS & Android

  • Rotate/Pan View
  • View roads, rivers, points of interest near me
  • View elevation model
  • Offline

Premium Version- Android
Basic Version- iOS

  • View datasets
  • Stylize data by numeric attribute
  • Import CSV (2d points, 3d points; with attributes)
  • Import Geojson (points, lines, shapes; with attributes)

Planned future functionality

  • Share data with other users
  • Import DXF models (volumes, ore shells, etc.)
  • Import Shapefiles
  • Stylize data by text attribute
  • Zoom
  • Query items on the map by touching them
  • Measure distances and areas
  • "Publish in MineAR" Plugins/Buttons for ESRI and QGIS 

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